Legacy Basics Tutorial#


Welcome to aurora-asi-lib. This tutorial will guide you though the main functions in aurora-asi-lib (imported as asilib).

First off, we need to import the necessary packages.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from IPython.display import Video
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import asilib


print(f'asilib version: {asilib.__version__}')
asilib version: 0.12.1

First of all, you should know where the data and movies are saved to. This information is in asilib.config and can be changed with python3 -m asilib config to configure asilib.

{'ASILIB_DIR': WindowsPath('C:/Users/mshumko/Documents/research/aurora-asi-lib/asilib'),
 'ASI_DATA_DIR': WindowsPath('C:/Users/mshumko/asilib-data')}

As you can guess, asilib.config['ASILIB_DIR'] is the directory where this code resides, asilib.config['ASI_DATA_DIR'] is the directory where the data is saved to.

Plot a single image#

Since we sold you on easily downloading, loading, plotting and analyzing auroral images with asilib, lets begin with a plot of an omega band studied in:

Liu, J., Lyons, L. R., Archer, W. E., Gallardo-Lacourt, B., Nishimura, Y., Zou, Y., … Weygand, J. M. (2018). Flow shears at the poleward boundary of omega bands observed during conjunctions of Swarm and THEMIS ASI. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 1218– 1227. https://doi.org/10.1002/2017GL076485

We can plot a fisheye lens image using asilib.plot_fisheye.

asi_array_code = 'THEMIS'
location_code = 'ATHA'
time = datetime(2008, 3, 9, 9, 18, 0)  # You can supply a datetime object or a ISO-formatted time string.

image_time, image, ax, im = asilib.plot_fisheye(asi_array_code, location_code, time,
                    color_norm='log', color_map='auto')

It is also easy to map the ASI fisheye lens image to a geographic map using asilib.plot_map. In the code box below, the first line creates a subplot with a geographic map centered on Athabasca. If latitude or longitude bounds are not provided, asilib.plot_map defaults to a map of North America.

ax = asilib.make_map(lon_bounds=(-127, -90), lat_bounds=(40, 65))

map_alt_km = 110
asilib.plot_map(asi_array_code, location_code, time, map_alt_km, ax=ax);

Notice that you did not need to explicitly download or load the data—asilib takes care of that for you. If you need to explicitly download data, asilib comes with four functions to download the image and skymap files.

Now what if you need to analyze the image? asilib.plot_fisheye returns the time stamp of the image image_time and the 2-d image np.array image.

image_time, image
(datetime.datetime(2008, 3, 9, 9, 18, 0, 51000),
 array([[2546, 2537, 2572, ..., 2554, 2616, 2536],
        [2608, 2613, 2562, ..., 2620, 2582, 2582],
        [2550, 2526, 2588, ..., 2568, 2560, 2544],
        [2629, 2541, 2612, ..., 2553, 2546, 2525],
        [2569, 2568, 2510, ..., 2698, 2596, 2545],
        [2576, 2617, 2514, ..., 2602, 2577, 2502]], dtype=uint16))

You can also just load that image by using asilib.load_image().

image_time, image = asilib.load_image(asi_array_code, location_code, time=time, redownload=False)

Plot a Keogram#

asilib.plot_keogram plots a keogram through the meridian, and using it is as simple as plotting a single image. If you don’t specify a map_alt, the vertical axis will be pixel number. Note: asilib.keogram returns the keogram array that is plotted by asilib.plot_keogram.

time_range = [datetime(2008, 3, 9, 9, 0, 0), datetime(2008, 3, 9, 9, 30, 0)]
asilib.plot_keogram(asi_array_code, location_code, time_range)
plt.xlabel('Time'); plt.ylabel('Pixel number');

And if you specify a map_alt (in kilometers), the vertical axis will be geographic latitude.

map_alt_km = 110
asilib.plot_keogram(asi_array_code, location_code, time_range, map_alt=map_alt_km)
plt.xlabel('Time'); plt.ylabel('Geographic latitude [deg]');

And lastly, if you specify a map_alt and set aacgm=True, the keogram’s vertical axis will be magnetic latitude estimated using the aacgmv2 Python package that implements the Altitude-adjusted corrected geomagnetic coordinates defined in Shepherd 2014.

map_alt_km = 110
asilib.plot_keogram(asi_array_code, location_code, time_range, map_alt=map_alt_km, aacgm=True)
plt.xlabel('Time'); plt.ylabel('Magnetic latitude [deg]');

Simple enough? You can choose any other altitude from the FULL_MAP_ALTITUDE key in the skymap calibration data (described in the following section). If you pick a wrong altitude, asilib will give you a helpful error.

    asilib.plot_keogram(asi_array_code, location_code, time_range, map_alt=100)
except AssertionError as err:
    print('AssetionError:', err)
AssetionError: 100 is not in the skymap altitudes: [ 90. 110. 150.]

These aurora-emission altitudes are in the THEMIS ASI skymap files; They are different for the REGO ASIs.

Skymap calibration data#

You may wonder how the image’s pixel values were mapped to geographic latitude—this is where the skymap files come in. asilib also makes this easy and you only need to give it the ASI array code, location code, and the time (so the correct skymap file is loaded).

skymap = asilib.load_skymap(asi_array_code, location_code, time)

The skymap data that asilib uses for keograms is the FULL_MAP_LATITUDE. Also, to confirm that you loaded the correct skymap file, the skymap dictionary contains a SKYMAP_PATH key that points to the local skymap file.


The possible skymap mapping altitudes (in meters) that you can use in asilib.plot_keogram and asilib.plot_map.

array([ 90000., 110000., 150000.], dtype=float32)

Mapping multiple all-sky images#

You can plot one image from multiple ASI locations using a for-loop. In the following example, we will replicate Fig. 2b from:

Donovan, E., Liu, W., Liang, J., Spanswick, E., Voronkov, I., Connors, M., … & Rae, I. J. (2008). Simultaneous THEMIS in situ and auroral observations of a small substorm. Geophysical Research Letters, 35(17).

# ASI parameters
time = datetime(2007, 3, 13, 5, 8, 45)
asi_array_code = 'THEMIS'
location_codes = ['FSIM', 'ATHA', 'TPAS', 'SNKQ']
map_alt = 110
min_elevation = 2

fig, bx = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5))
bx = asilib.make_map(lon_bounds=(-160, -52), lat_bounds=(40, 82), ax=bx)

for location_code in location_codes:
    asilib.plot_map(asi_array_code, location_code, time, map_alt, ax=bx,

bx.set_title('Donovan et al. 2008 | First breakup of an auroral arc');
Made directory at C:\Users\mshumko\asilib-data\themis\skymap\fsim
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Made directory at C:\Users\mshumko\asilib-data\themis\skymap\tpas
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c:\Users\mshumko\.conda\envs\asilib_test\lib\site-packages\scipy\io\idl.py:281: UserWarning: Not able to verify number of bytes from header
  warnings.warn("Not able to verify number of bytes from header")
Made directory at C:\Users\mshumko\asilib-data\themis\skymap\snkq
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Working with multiple images#

The asilib.load_image function can also load (and automatically download) image data given a time duration specified by time_range. In this section, we will plot a montage of fisheye lens images that show the equatorward movement of a STEVE aurora studied in

Gallardo-Lacourt, B., Nishimura, Y., Donovan, E., Gillies, D. M., Perry, G. W., Archer, W. E., et al. (2018). A statistical analysis of STEVE. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123, 9893– 9905. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JA025368

asi_array_code = 'REGO'
location_code = 'LUCK'
time_range = [datetime(2017, 9, 27, 7, 15), datetime(2017, 9, 27, 8, 15)]

image_times, images = asilib.load_image(asi_array_code, location_code, time_range=time_range, redownload=False)
images.shape  # First axis is time
(1200, 512, 512)

Now lets pick 5 images from that time interval and show the movement of STEVE.

n_plots = 5

delta_time_s = int((time_range[1]-time_range[0]).total_seconds()/n_plots)
montage_times = [time_range[0]+timedelta(seconds=i*delta_time_s) for i in range(n_plots)]

fig, cx = plt.subplots(1, n_plots, figsize=(15, 8))

for montage_time, cx_i in zip(montage_times, cx):
    asilib.plot_fisheye(asi_array_code, location_code, montage_time, ax=cx_i)

Make a movie#

Let’s now make a simple fisheye lens movie of a substorm using asilib.animate_fisheye.

asi_array_code = 'THEMIS'
location_code = 'FSMI'
time_range = [datetime(2015, 3, 26, 6, 7, 0), datetime(2015, 3, 26, 6, 30, 0)]

# loglevel is to suppress the verbose ffmpeg output.
asilib.animate_fisheye(asi_array_code, location_code, time_range, overwrite=True, ffmpeg_output_params={'loglevel':'quiet'})
plt.close()  # To show a clean output in this tutorial---it is often unnecessary.

# When you run this, you should see the video below in your asilib-data/movies directory.
Created a C:\Users\mshumko\asilib-data\animations\images\20150326_060700_themis_fsmi_fisheye directory

Animating images into the ionosphere is also straightforward.

asi_array_code = 'THEMIS'
location_code = 'FSMI'
time_range = [datetime(2015, 3, 26, 6, 7, 0), datetime(2015, 3, 26, 6, 30, 0)]

# We need the skymap only to center the map on the projected image.
skymap = asilib.load_skymap(asi_array_code, location_code, time_range[0])
lat_bounds = (skymap['SITE_MAP_LATITUDE']-7, skymap['SITE_MAP_LATITUDE']+7)
lon_bounds = (skymap['SITE_MAP_LONGITUDE']-10, skymap['SITE_MAP_LONGITUDE']+10)

ax = asilib.make_map(lon_bounds=lon_bounds, lat_bounds=lat_bounds)
plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.99, bottom=0.05, left=0.05, right=0.99)
asilib.animate_map(asi_array_code, location_code, time_range, 110, overwrite=True, ax=ax,

plt.close()  # To show a clean output in this tutorial---it is often unnecessary.

# When you run this, you should see the video below in your asilib-data/movies directory.
Created a C:\Users\mshumko\asilib-data\animations\images\20150326_060700_themis_fsmi_map directory

In the next section, we make a more sophisticated movie using asilib.animate_fisheye_generator.

Satellite conjunction#

As a last example, here we show how asilib can be used to make a conjunction movie. Be forewarned, this example is long. We will use ASI data from the THEMIS-RANK imager.

asi_array_code = 'THEMIS'
location_code = 'RANK'
time_range = (datetime(2017, 9, 15, 2, 32, 0), datetime(2017, 9, 15, 2, 35, 0))

Now we define an orbit path of a low Earth orbiting satellite. In this context, lla stands for the (latitude, longitude, altitude) coordinates. That we place near the THEMIS-RANK imager, hence we use load_skymap to extract the imager’s location in Canada.

# Load the skymap calibration data. This is necessary to create the satellite track overhead.
skymap_dict = asilib.load_skymap(asi_array_code, location_code, time_range[0])

# Create the fake satellite track coordinates: latitude, longitude, altitude (LLA).
# This is a north-south satellite track oriented to the east of the THEMIS/RANK
# imager.
n = int((time_range[1] - time_range[0]).total_seconds() / 3)  # 3 second cadence.
lats = np.linspace(skymap_dict["SITE_MAP_LATITUDE"] + 5, skymap_dict["SITE_MAP_LATITUDE"] - 5, n)
lons = (skymap_dict["SITE_MAP_LONGITUDE"] - 0.5) * np.ones(n)
alts = 110 * np.ones(n)
lla = np.array([lats, lons, alts]).T
Made directory at C:\Users\mshumko\asilib-data\themis\skymap\rank
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With the satellite track, we first need to map its location to the imager’s elevation and azimuth (azel) using asilib.lla2azel. Note: if you need to find the satellite’s footprint, you can use asilib.lla2footprint to map along the magnetic field line before you pass the footprint LLA into asilib.lla2azel. However, asilib.lla2footprint requires the IRBEM library.

sat_azel, sat_azel_pixels = asilib.lla2azel(asi_array_code, location_code, time_range[0], lla)

Here we create the conjunction movie. We can’t easily split up the steps into notebook cells, but I’ve add STEPS 1-4 for the main steps:

  • STEP 1: create the subplots. ax[0] will plot the ASI images, while ax[1] will plot the ASI intensity time series along the satellite path. We initialize the asilib.animate_fisheye_generator function which allows us to manipulate the individual images before they are stitched together into a movie.

  • STEP 2: We retrieve the imager time stamps and images using movie_generator (technically it is a coroutine). We need this to calculate the mean ASI intensity along the spacecraft track.

  • STEP 3: We use asilib.equal_area to calculate the pixels inside a 20x20 km area at 110 km around the satellite’s footprint (inferred from LLA). asilib.equal_area returns a mask: 1s inside the area, and NaNs outside it. We use it with image_data.images and np.nanmean to calculate the mean ASI intensity in all frames simultaneously.

  • STEP 4: Loop over every image in time_range. asilib.animate_fisheye_generator will plot the current frame in ax[0] on top of which we superpose the full satellite track and its current location. We also use plt.contour to plot the 20x20 km area at 110 km in yellow. Lastly, in ax[1] we plot the mean ASI time series in the area box around the satelite’s footprint, as well as a vertical line to guide your eye to the corresponding image in ax[0].

# STEP 1
fig, ax = plt.subplots(
    2, 1, figsize=(7, 10), gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [4, 1]}, constrained_layout=True
movie_generator = asilib.animate_fisheye_generator(
    asi_array_code, location_code, time_range, azel_contours=True, overwrite=True, ax=ax[0],

# STEP 2
# Use the generator to get the images and time stamps to estimate mean the ASI
# brightness along the satellite path and in a (10x10 km) box.
image_data = movie_generator.send('data')

# STEP 3
# Calculate what pixels are in a box_km around the satellite, and convolve it
# with the images to pick out the ASI intensity in that box.
area_box_mask = asilib.equal_area(
    asi_array_code, location_code, time_range[0], lla, box_km=(20, 20)
asi_brightness = np.nanmean(image_data.images * area_box_mask, axis=(1, 2))
area_box_mask[np.isnan(area_box_mask)] = 0  # To play nice with plt.contour()

# STEP 4
for i, (time, image, _, im) in enumerate(movie_generator):
    # Note that because we are drawing moving data: ASI image in ax[0] and
    # the ASI time series + a vertical bar at the image time in ax[1], we need
    # to redraw everything at every iteration.

    # Clear ax[1] (ax[0] cleared by asilib.animate_fisheye_generator())
    # Plot the entire satellite track
    ax[0].plot(sat_azel_pixels[:, 0], sat_azel_pixels[:, 1], 'red')
    ax[0].contour(area_box_mask[i, :, :], levels=[0.99], colors=['yellow'])
    # Plot the current satellite position.
    ax[0].scatter(sat_azel_pixels[i, 0], sat_azel_pixels[i, 1], c='red', marker='o', s=50)

    # Plot the time series of the mean ASI intensity along the satellite path
    ax[1].plot(image_data.time, asi_brightness)
    ax[1].axvline(time, c='b')  # At the current image time.

    # Annotate the location_code and satellite info in the top-left corner.
    location_code_str = (
        f'{asi_array_code}/{location_code} '
        f'LLA=({skymap_dict["SITE_MAP_LATITUDE"]:.2f}, '
        f'{skymap_dict["SITE_MAP_LONGITUDE"]:.2f}, {skymap_dict["SITE_MAP_ALTITUDE"]:.2f})'
    satellite_str = f'Satellite LLA=({lla[i, 0]:.2f}, {lla[i, 1]:.2f}, {lla[i, 2]:.2f})'
        location_code_str + '\n' + satellite_str,
    ax[1].set(xlabel='Time', ylabel='Mean ASI intensity [counts]')

print(f'Movie saved in {asilib.config["ASI_DATA_DIR"] / "movies"}')
Created a C:\Users\mshumko\asilib-data\animations\images\20170915_023200_themis_rank_fisheye directory
Movie saved in C:\Users\mshumko\asilib-data\movies
# When you run this, you should see the video below in your asilib-data/movies directory.