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Last Built: May 03, 2023 | Version: 0.14.4 | Source: github | Archive: zenodo.

Easily download, plot, animate, and analyze auroral all sky imager (ASI) data.

Supported ASI arrays#

  • Red-line Emission Geospace Observatory (REGO)

  • Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS).


While this package is named aurora-asi-lib, import it using the name asilib.

The two ways to interact with asilib is via the mature function Application Program Interface (API) or the experimental Imager API. If you’re new to asilib use the function API for now.


If asilib significantly contributed to your research, and you would like to acknowledge it in your academic publication, we suggest citing the following paper:

  • Shumko M, Chaddock D, Gallardo-Lacourt B, Donovan E, Spanswick EL, Halford AJ, Thompson I and Murphy KR (2022), AuroraX, PyAuroraX, and aurora-asi-lib: A user-friendly auroral all-sky imager analysis framework. Front. Astron. Space Sci. 9:1009450. doi: 10.3389/fspas.2022.1009450