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Last Built: Sep 10, 2023 | Version: 0.20.0 | Source: github | Archive: zenodo.

Your one stop to working with the world’s extensive arrays of auroral all-sky imagers (ASI).

Supported ASI arrays#


While this package is named aurora-asi-lib, import it using the name asilib.

Top four panels are a collage showing an image from a THEMIS and REGO ASI in the fisheye and mapped formats. The bottom panel is a THEMIS ASI keogram from this time interval.


If asilib significantly contributed to your research, and you would like to acknowledge it in your academic publication, we suggest citing the following paper:

  • Shumko M, Chaddock D, Gallardo-Lacourt B, Donovan E, Spanswick EL, Halford AJ, Thompson I and Murphy KR (2022), AuroraX, PyAuroraX, and aurora-asi-lib: A user-friendly auroral all-sky imager analysis framework. Front. Astron. Space Sci. 9:1009450. doi: 10.3389/fspas.2022.1009450